Jerramungup District High School is a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) School.
At JDHS we strive to achieve consistent and positive behaviour expectations which are upheld by the whole school community. This is achieved through explicit teaching and acknowledgment of our values.
We aim to create a system that supports all students from K-10 to develop positive social and cultural awareness and in turn, value school and academic achievement. We hope our students feel a sense of belonging and belief in themselves, the school and the broader community.
2023 has seen us work together with the school community to update and renew our school values. They are now the following:
Students earn house points when they show these particular values around the school. Each Friday at a small assembly, one house point is drawn from each faction and that person earns a canteen voucher. Students are also informed of the growing tally of points for each house.
At the end of 5 weeks, the house with the most points is rewarded by being able to wear their faction shirt and they also recieve an icy pole at lunch time.
At the end of the term, the house with the most points is allowed to wear their faction shirt for the day and given a sausage sizzle or the like for lunch.
House points accumulate throughout the year, through both house points given for showing values and also events held through out the year, such as carnivals and the speech competition. The winning house will be recognised at the end of year Presentation Night.
The school’s Behaviour Management Policy is based on the need for a consistent, fair and positive approach that is designed to encourage students to recognise that they have responsibilities towards themselves, their peers and their school.
We believe that the positive relationships that teachers form with students, along with a relevant and motivating curriculum, are key factors in decreasing discipline problems at school.
The school’s new Behaviour Matrix is being developed with input from staff, students and parents.
Our Behaviour Matrix is displayed in all classrooms and also in various places around the school. Compliance with these expectations will see students earn rewards.
All students are on ‘Good Standing’ at the start of the year. When students do not follow school rules or their attendance falls below 80% they have the potential to lose ‘Good Standing’ and therefore not attend camps, excursions or sporting carnivals. This is detailed further in the Behaviour Policy.
Parents are obviously partners in this process and should expect contact from the teaching staff should we identify any areas for concern. We have a well-documented Behaviour Management Policy which includes bullying. If you would like a copy please contact the school.
© Jerramungup District High School